Top 5 News Sources

1. Good Morning America

Good Morning America (GMA) falls into first place for my top five news sources because GMA is my most often watched news outlet. Almost every morning I watch GMA while I drink my coffee and eat my breakfast. GMA covers a wide range of news from current events to pop culture to stories of inspiration.

2. The Associated Press

The Associated Press is a news outlet that is known for being unbiased. When it comes to news and the media it is difficult to find sources that are not opinionated but Associated Press does a fairly good job at focusing on the facts.

3. Reuters

Reuters is also another news outlet that is well-respected for the lack of bias. Again, like The Associated Press, Reuters is neutral for the most part, even when reporting on very controversial events and happenings.

4. ABC

ABC News comes in ranked at fourth place for my top five news sources. ABC is where I go when I want to get the latest news and watch live streams.

5. CBS

CBS News sits at fifth place, not because it is bad but because I often check the previous news sources more often than CBS.
